Vale Verde County

Vale Verde County

  • Steve Jenkins
  • 281-220-7238
  • Contract Amount: $99,750.00
  • Vale Verde County Livestock Dipping Vat
  • Dates: October 2015 – November 2015

Cost of work performance with our own forces: 100%

Hired as a General Contractor for the following Scope of Project: Remove and dispose of existing concrete dipping vat structure & sidewalks down to subgrade. Existing metal canopy structure to be removed by other; Excavate and compact subgrade soils to meet minimum density requirements (testing lab fess included); Cast in place an 8” (as per plans issued) thick concrete slab reinforced with #5 rebar and using a 4500 PSI concrete mix. Concrete slab to have the proper slop for drainage and a 12” deep x 12” wide x the cross length of the vat for cleaning purposes. Cast in place reinforced stairs at exiting end of dipping vat. All stair steps shall be 12” deep x 7” high; Formwork, reinforcing steel (#4 rebar), and 4500 psi concrete mix to cast in place new concrete walls for new dipping vat. New walls thickness to be 8” (as per plans issued). Cast in place new concrete side walks around dipping vat all concrete should slope to drain into existing swales at adjacent concrete slabs. 6” thick with 10” edge turndown Weep holes to drain into vat included Cast in place a new section of ramp and flat landing from cattle equipment into dipping vat. Cast in place one 20’x20’x8” evaporation pit with 2” walls and one access ramp or a small tractor for cleaning purposes Concrete diverting stem wall to prevent water run off from going into the new vat area and divert toward new evaporation pit or way form dipping vat. Project was completed in allocated time. Company used a Quality Control Plan and a Safety Plan which resulted in noaccidents and no quality control problems.